Jedi Temple

Environment Project

The moment captured in this shot takes place thousands of years before the events of the classic Star Wars trilogy.

This temple that I designed, a place of tranquility and peace, is set in the old planet of Coruscant, the capital of the galaxy (XYZ coordinates 0,0,0).

I imagined it could have been home to one of the greatest sources of the force in the whole galaxy, a giant kyber crystal that only highly trained Jedi Knights could have access to.

First, in one of the four stations, it was possible to mechanically assemble a lightsaber. Only afterwards the Jedi would walk towards the center of the platform and meditate. Here they would wield the force surrounding them, focusing the energy provided by the crystal to assemble the last lightsaber components.

As a design reference I relied on the work from Ralph McQuarrie for the original trilogy.



OnionKitty - 3D Model